Manifestation Technique SCRIPTING with the Law of Attraction

Do you believe that you can write your own reality? It might not go exactly as scripted or planned. And that is okay. Life will probably always hand you hiccups along the way but they are mainly there to check how much you really want it. So if you are determined enough and believe in the universe.

Anything you put your mind to can be achieved , no matter who or what tries to take it away from you. As long as you BELIEVE IN YOU

And if you lost with what it is that you want to do with your life then you have found the right place? Scripting in my opinion is the simplest manifestation technique as you never really know what you going to ask the universe that day.

There is nothing wrong with thinking about what you want to script before hand. However scripting needs to happen with ease and your desires you wish to manifest needs to flow freely. If you going to think too hard scripting is probably not the method for you. Scripting shouldn’t feel like a task or forced, manifesting needs to be fun so your vibrations stay high through out the process and at all times obviously.

So what is SCRIPTING? It is writing what you want your future to look like in the present form/state as if it already happening. It is a form of journal-ling but is presented in PRESENT FORM/TENSE.

You can use starting statements such as


Personally, I like starting of my scripting with what I’m grateful for “that I already have” this could be little things like “the coffee I had this morning” to big things like “my families health”. List at least three things.

Next you want to start manifesting your future, care freely write out how you want you life to be. The most important element to your manifestation process is “emotion” you need to feel the joy as you write you future in the present state. Start off with what and how your day starts, to how the day unfolds, with you enjoying every awakening moment of the day and your life as a whole.
It does not matter if you script 3 lines or 3 pages all that matters is you feel happy and joy while doing it. You are write a dream reality of yours after all.

Once you are done, Thank the universe for all that you “already have”. Take a deep breath and go on with your day.
The thing is manifestation waiting period all matters on attachment, being attached is awesome but letting go is necessary.

And letting go does not mean forgetting about it, cause that might just make you think about it even more, it just means focusing on all that makes you happy already, cause there are millions of reasons to be happy and grateful for at this very moment.

Gratitude just means the universe will keep showering you with more.

Love and light always

3 Comments Add yours

  1. tockwith says:

    Very interesting..the law if attraction is both scary and mind blowing at the same time. As my daughter keeps reminding me…. it is amazing how much we don’t know about the world we live in….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It can be scary but that’s the magic behind it all, just trust in the universe having your back and giving you exactly what it is that you desire in that particular period of time, happy manifestation

      Liked by 1 person

      1. tockwith says:

        You are 100% correct..wishing you happiness and serenity😁


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