May we

May we be the stars in this uncertain time and illuminate the world even with our tiniest twinkle

Feed your soul love

take care of yourself for yourself stop feeding yourself the noise of self care is selfish we all need to recharge NOTHING comes out an empty glass stop giving all your love to those who drain you instead feed that love to that soul that craves it most YOUR OWN

The moon is always full it’s our view that’s partial 🌙

The moon is always full, it’s just our view that’s partial 🌙 This is just for anyone who needs to hear this before the start of a new week: Not everyone may always see your goodness or your achievements and that’s ok! Not everyone will always compliment you and that’s ok. Not everyone will always…

Give yourself time

Quick math to give you some perspective:⁣ ⁣ A butterfly’s lifespan is about 1 year (52 weeks). The average butterfly takes 2.5 weeks to evolve. ⁣ ⁣ The average human’s lifespan is about 80 years which is 80 times the length of a butterfly life. ⁣ ⁣ 80 x 2.5 weeks = 200 weeks which…

Visualize until you have tears of joy

As you create pictures in your mind of seeing yourself with what it is you want, you are generating thoughts and feelings of having it now. In visualizing you fulfil and complete the whole creative process in one hit. Make it a daily habit to Visualize every event in your day in advance and the…

What provides true lasting happiness?

I want that new pair of sneakers? I want a mansion on the beach side? I want that $500 000 worth car? But are we after that materialistic item or are we after what we call “Happiness” which we believe we will experience once we get these materialistic items. Everyone wants to be happy and…

Step into a better version of yourself everyday

Feeling low, confused, unmotivated and just a mess going though each passing day. How about you make a change and put an end to that miserability TODAY? It can sound super cliche, and after reading a line like “Just change your mindset”, You might opt to leave the site. But for those of you that…

It’s always darkest before the light

This is for those of you who are feeling tired, lacking motivation and are patiently and excruciatingly waiting for the light! Here’s the thing. The light is ALWAYS inside of you, you can tap into it at anytime. Sometimes though, life throws so much at us and we get unaligned. Don’t worry! It’s always darkest…